Two summer events, related to wind power and energy management, seek applicants.
Both the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) and Schneider Electric are currently accepting applications for events being hosted this summer.
AWEA will host Windpower 2012, a conference and exhibition, in Atlanta from June 3–6. It is offering scholarships to those students, faculty or staff who apply and demonstrate the highest level of commitment to furthering their knowledge of the wind industry. Applications are due Friday, March 16; winners will be notified by Monday, April 2. The award will cover the cost of conference registration and some travel expenses. Learn more at windpowerexpo.org and apply online at the AWEA website.
Schneider Electric is also hosting an event June 21–22 called Go Green in the City in Paris. The event is currently looking for applications of teams from engineering and business programs from around the world. One hundred pairs of students will participate in a case competition focused on energy management. Applications are due Thursday, March 1. Learn more and apply online at gogreeninthecity.com.