Green Buzz

In fact, every decade since 1984, when satellite recordkeeping of ocean temperatures started, has been warmer than the previous one.
Georgia Tech, as a key partner in the Electric Power Innovation for a Carbon-free Society (EPICS) Center, is contributing to the global effort to develop 100% renewable power grids and accelerate the clean energy transition.
The Office of Sustainability is offering a series of Living Learning Campus Pathways to provide unique, immersive learning opportunities that connect classroom knowledge with real-world experience in sustainability.
Professor Anna Erickson highlights the reopening of Three Mile Island Unit 1 as a crucial step in meeting the growing energy demands of AI data centers with carbon-free nuclear power, aligning with Microsoft's sustainability goals.
There’s a reason why a rocket has to go so fast to escape Earth. It’s about gravity – something all of us experience every moment of every day.
Researchers investigate how trees have moved across geography over time, where they’re heading, and why it’s important.
Their work reveals what goes wrong within the cells’ interface layers.
CSE research group publishes studies to assist in geological carbon storage
The report presents life-cycle assessment as an essential tool in helping researchers and policymakers evaluate low-carbon fuel standards to reduce emissions.
A small spacecraft assembled and tested at the Georgia Institute of Technology is on its way to the moon, where it will use lasers to search for surface water ice in lunar craters that are never warmed by light from the sun.