Georgia Tech offers more than 100 courses with an emphasis in sustainability in every college, making it possible for every student to incorporate sustainability into their education.
Varied and numerous in nature, the educational aspects of Georgia Tech's commitment to environmental sustainability reflect our promise to produce the technological leaders of the future.
Professors and fellows of the Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems focus on cross-disciplinary, collaborative research and education in sustainability, energy, and water. Learn more about the Brook Byers professors and fellows.
Georgia Tech is also incorporating an emphasis on sustainable communities into its undergraduate curriculum. Learn more at serve-learn-sustain.gatech.edu.
College of Design
- Graduate and Undergraduate Program in Architecture
- Offering several studios and degree concentrations with a green focus, including high-performance building and design for alternative energy
- Graduate and Undergraduate Program in Industrial Design
- Offering studio projects and classes focused on sustainable product design
- Graduate Program in City and Regional Planning
- Offering several dual degree programs with Architecture/Urban Design; Transportation Engineering; Water Resources
- Graduate Program in Building Construction
- Offering classes and projects with a green focus
College of Sciences
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
- Graduate and Undergraduate programs in Meteorology, Earth Science, and Environmental Science
- Graduate program in Ocean Science and Engineering
- Global Change Program
College of Engineering
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Graduate Program in Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Water Resources
- Sediment transport and bridge foundation scour
- Beach erosion
- Environmentally-friendly hydropower Installations
- Cohesive sediment resuspension
- Wastewater dispersion in coastal waters
- Graduate and Undergraduate Program in Environmental Engineering
- Water and wastewater treatment
- Chemical and environmental multiphase transport processes
- Multimedia (air, water/groundwater) environmental simulations
- Environmental biotechnology for bioremediation of contaminated soil, sediments, and waters
- Green chemistry and biochemistry
- Sustainable technology and development
- Physical, chemical, and biological processes influencing subsurface fate and transport of contaminants
- Hazardous substances in sediments, soils, waters and residues
- Air pollution: formation, transport, and disposition of aerosols
- Characterization of ambient air quality and air pollutant source emissions
- Atmospheric dynamics of air and contaminant dispersion
- Atmospheric and oceanic dynamics
- Nanotechnology in the environment
- Carbon sequestration
- Graduate Program in Structural Materials, Mechanics and Engineering
- Risk and reliability
- Seismic hazard mitigation
- Earthquake engineering
- Smart materials and structures
- Graduate Program in Transportation Systems Engineering
- Estimating mobile emissions
- Sustainable development and transportation
H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
- Graduate and Undergraduate Program in industrial and systems engineering
- Offering classes and research project advisement with a green focus
Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts
School of Literature, Media, and Communication
- Studies in ecology and ecocriticism
- Research opportunities on the relationship between art, literature, philosophy and environmentalism
School of Public Policy
- Doctoral Program in Public Policy (Ph.D.)
- Graduate and Undergraduate Program in industrial and systems engineering
- Specialization in Environmental Policy
- Specialization in Energy Policy
- Graduate Program in Public Policy (MSPP)
- Concentration in Environmental Policy
- Undergraduate Program in Public Policy (BSPP)
- Requiring coursework on sustainability
- Graduate and Undergraduate Program offering courses on:
- Sustainable technology and policy
- Environmental policy
- Environmental economics
- Environmental ethics
- Environmental values and policy goals
- Earth systems
- Environmental issues seminar
- Policy tools for managing the environment
- Sustainable systems
- Sustainability and environmental policy
- Environmental policy and implementation
- Environmental law
- Environmental and technological risk management
Scheller College of Business
- Graduate and Undergraduate course offerings with an emphasis in sustainability
- Business and the environment
- Ethics of sustainability
- Social entrepreneurship