Students invited to apply as representatives to committee that works to improve bicycle climate of campus.
With the end of another school year and as members move on from Georgia Tech, the Bicycle Infrastructure Improvement Committee (BIIC) seeks new student representatives to contribute their efforts to improving the bicycle climate of campus.
Since forming last January, the BIIC has completed a number of projects around campus, including the addition of bike racks and bike lanes, a cleanup of abandoned bicycles and the start of a campus master plan for bikes. It was named the Atlanta Bicycle Coalition’s 2012 Partner of the Year, and played an integral role in Georgia Tech earning the national Silver distinction of Bicycle Friendly University. In its 16 months of existence, the group has secured more than $80,000 in infrastructure investments.
Interested students should email Johann Weber, committee chair, by Friday, May 4, to learn more or to be considered. The group will review submissions and follow up with additional questions if needed. Weber asks that submissions include:
- Name.
- Year and department.
- Experience with bicycles or bicycling (how long you’ve been riding, if you have particular applicable knowledge or experience, etc.).
- One thing you’d like to see accomplished if you were part of the BIIC.