The Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association and the Georgia Tech College of Architecture Building Construction Program have teamed up for a Green Awareness 5K Run/Walk to benefit HomeAid Atlanta, a nonprofit organization on that builds and renovates transitional housing facilities that serve homeless families and individuals in the metro Atlanta area.
The race will take place on September 12 at the Stamps Student Center Commons, located at 350 Ferst Drive (on the Georgia Tech campus). Check-in beings at 7:00 a.m. The adult race bgins at 8:00 a.m. and the children's race begins at 9:00 a.m. Children under the age of 12 race for free.
Awards and prizes for First, Second and Third Place winners will be given immediately following the races. Age Groups: 14 and under, 15-19, 20-29,30-39, 40-49, 50-59 and 60 and over.
“Going Green” sessions will start a er the awards ceremony, covering topics such as aging in place, the EarthCraft House building and renovation program, the ENERGY STAR program, and 10 things to do now to save money!
There will be refreshments, free t-shirts, and other give-aways at the race.
The race is sponsored by Georgia Tech College of Architecture Building Construction Program, Energy Star, Georgia Power, Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association, and HomeAid.
Registration Fees:
By Sept. 1:
$20 adults, $12 students
After Sept. 1:
$25 adults, $15 students
On-Site Registration:
$35 adults, $15 students
Only cash accepted
for on-site payment.
All children under
age 12 free.