Ajeet Rohatgi and several other university, government, and business leaders received Community Awards from the Georgia Sierra Club at the groups's 25th Anniversary Gala.
Ajeet Rohatgi and several other university, government, and business leaders received Community Awards from the Georgia Sierra Club at the groups's 25th Anniversary Gala, held on June 28 at Park Tavern. Dr. Rohatgi was recognized for his efforts to help move both Georgia and the U.S. into a clean energy economy through his solar energy research at Georgia Tech.
Dr. Rohatgi is a Regents' Professor in ECE and is a Duke Power
Distinguished Professor. He founded the University Center of Excellence for Photovoltaics Research and Education in 1992. Dr. Rohatgi is also the founder of Suniva, a start-up company that develops, manufactures, and delivers low-cost, high-efficiency silicon solar cells.