Recent news

Amanda Stockton is harnessing aerosols to better understand the emergence of life on Earth, and our search for life beyond
The Love Family Professor holds joint appointments in the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech.
This summer, eight students in the Biomolecular Engineering, Science, and Technology study abroad program in Lyon, France were able to explore the city's rich history of silk production in an unlikely place: a biology lab.
Georgia Tech researchers have uncovered eco-friendly bacterial proteins that stabilize methane clathrates, offering a green solution to climate challenges and potential implications for astrobiology.
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Professor Samer Naif and Darcy Cordell, a former postdoctoral scholar, have uncovered new findings that could change how scientists view water’s role in preventing — or perhaps encouraging — earthquakes
A study led by researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology has advanced understanding of airborne particulate matter and its health effects.
In response to changing climates, many plants and animals are moving to higher elevations, seeking cooler temperatures. But a new study finds that flying insects like bees and moths may struggle with insurmountable issues to this escape route.
As part of an $11.6 million research initiative, Biological Sciences postdoctoral fellow Sarah Orr will leverage a new USDA Fellowship to study the impact of synthetic pesticides on bumblebees — a key pollinator for U.S. agricultural production.
Their novel approach showed how mammal traits evolved with changing environments over time and revealed factors that contributed to biodiversity loss.
Scientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology and Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart have published a perspectives piece on the different tools used throughout the world aiding in the conservation of wildlife and biodiversity.