AASHE's award for student research on campus sustainability recognizes outstanding student research that advances the field of campus sustainability. Students are invited to submit research papers on campus sustainability. The papers may be of any length, not previously published, written in English, and completed within the 12-months prior to the application deadline. A version of the winning paper will be published in Sustainability: The Journal of Record. Longer papers will be edited to meet the Journal's length standards.
Examples of research topics that could merit an award include:
* Best practices for a specific type of campus
sustainability initiative
* Costs and benefits of campus sustainability efforts
* Relationships between campus sustainability and other
indicators such as number and/or quality of applicants
for admission, alumni donations, number and/or quality
of job applicants, campus employee satisfaction, etc.
* Case studies of campus sustainability programs
* A comparative evaluation of different approaches to
campus sustainability
* An assessment of the effectiveness of strategies used
to foster sustainability on campus
Applicants may submit as many papers as they wish. AASHE will post selected submissions on its website.
Any undergraduate or graduate student currently enrolled at a US or Canadian institution of higher education who has written a paper on campus sustainability is eligible for this award. Groups of students who have written papers on campus sustainability are also eligible for this award.
To apply for the Award for Student Research on Campus Sustainability please email your paper, a brief abstract (100-250 words), and a short bio to awards@aashe.org by August 1, 2008. By submitting a paper, applicants grant AASHE permission to post it publicly on AASHE's website. Please do not submit papers that include information that cannot be shared publicly.
Applicants will receive notice of the award decisions in August. The award will be presented in November at AASHE 2008 in Raleigh, North Carolina.