Georgia Tech maintains numerous Institutional environmental sustainability programs. The following list is just a sampling of programs.
Georgia Tech established a recycling program in 1996 to oversee campus recycling efforts. Housed within the Office of Solid Waste Management and Recycling, the program’s mission is to encourage and expand recycling, waste diversion and reuse programs and to promote efforts to decrease the amount of landfill waste produced on campus. The Gameday Recycling program focuses on minimizing the amount of waste sent to landfills as a result of on-campus activity during home football games each fall.
Landscape Design & Management
Sustainability is a key component in the Georgia Tech Campus Master Plan. The integration of sustainability into campus development is outlined in a Landscape Master Plan that dictates the use of drought-tolerant vegetation, the reduction of impervious surfaces, an increase in the campus tree canopy and developing performance landscapes that will help reduce hydrocarbon emission, material consumption and effectively capture and reuse storm water.