Green Buzz

Two summer events, related to wind power and energy management, seek applicants.
Learn about recycling pizza boxes, saving waste at coffee shops and help plan Earth Day 2012.
GT's Earth Day Committee to recognize those having a positive impact on the environment
President G. P. “Bud” Peterson and Executive Director of Housing Mike Black made remarks in front of the apartments Thursday, Feb. 9.
Campus celebrates Earth Day April 20; students rescue recycling at the Graduate Living Center.
Competition will group students on teams to work on cases over four days.
Green Buzz showcases the various green activities spearheaded by those who support the white and gold.
A commitment to effective community forestry management
The spring semester marches along, and the March issue of the Recycling Buzz newsletter is now available.
New washers and dryers scheduled for installation in Georgia Tech residence hall laundries.